Pat Robertson to sexual abuse victim: ‘Let that thing rest and turn the other cheek’

Televangelist Pat Robertson has made a fortune taking money from poor, gullible people and giving horrible advice.

Jonathan, who is in his late 20s, described on the show that his mother allegedly sexually abused him as a child and only recently came to terms with the abuse.

Robertson then immediately responded by telling the young man that he should forgive his mother and not call the cops on  her.

“Jonathan, I think the thing to do is to let that thing rest. Good grief, your mother assaulted you? It’s hard to believe. It’s so rare, but in any event, she’s your mother, I mean, you’ve got to love her. I pray that she might find the Lord and God will forgive her for that and you should forgive her too. But you’re going to charge her and ask for her to be put in jail now that you’re in your late 20s? Of course not.”

Of course, Robertson is wrong. For one thing, something as horrific as childhood sexual abuse cannot just be forgotten. It affects a person for the rest of his or her life.

Secondly, this rapist is left to abuse more children. Such people do not just stop at one victim, especially if they can effectively silence the first victim and figure out that they can do the same with subsequent victims, alluding prosecution for their crimes.

This is the problem with religious solutions to worldly problems. They are never sufficient, and are often full of victim blaming and horrible advice, all the while shaming and silencing the ones who need to be heard the most.

Watch the video below, via Right Wing Watch:

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