The controversy surrounding Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson has now taken a step beyond his comments about homosexuality and bestiality, along with his assertion that black people in the Jim Crow South were happier and equating Muslims with Nazis.
Now with yet another video that’s surfaced, we’re once again reminded that this is nothing new for Robertson, who explained to an Arkansas congregation in 2008 what would “do in the Muslims,” as well as “the Chinese,” and that Muslims are “famous for murder.”
“What will do the Muslims in?” Robertson asked in the middle of his speech before the Hillsboro Church of Christ in El Dorado.
“Violations of the law, that’s what’ll do ‘em in,” he said waving his bible in the air.
“That’s why they run jet aircraft into buildings, because they’re under control of the evil one, that’s why they rob and kidnap and rape and pillage, because they’re under control of the evil one. That’s why they murder, from the Nazis, to the Shintoists, to the communists to this latest crop!”
“You say ‘Why do they murder, why do they hate us?” Robertson continued while slapping the podium. “Because all of them, those four groups, 80 years of history, they all want to conquer the world, they all rejected Jesus, and they’re all famous for murder. Nazis, Shintoists, communists, and the Muhammadists.”
Watch Robertson in the 2008 video below:
So everything Robertson said is true, and somehow this is controversial? Maybe in the community-based “reality” of the leftists, but not in the real world.
Well, let’s recap.
The Nazis are famous for murder. Check. The Chinese under Mao are famous for murder, since Mao did kill tens of millions of his own people during his progroms. Check. The communists under Stalin are famous for murder, since he killed about as many Jews as Hitler. Check. The Muhammadists are famous for murder, considering that 10 of the 13 major ongoing armed that involve Muhammadists and militant Islamists, So, check.(
All four of these groups are anti-Christian or non-Christian, so they reject Jesus. Check.
So, how again are Robertson’s words controversial?