As a guest host on the Alex Jones Show this Monday, far-right pastor and crackpot conspiracy theorist Rodney Howard-Brown shared his thoughts on how a liberal Supreme Court Justice should be dealt with.
Howard-Brown, who was one of the pastors who laid hands on Trump in the Oval Office last year, was interviewing right-wing pundit KrisAnne Hall when the subject of Bader’s views about the U.S. Constitution came up.
“If you hear Bader Ginsburg talk, she talks about the Constitution of America being terribly flawed,” Howard-Brown said in a video clip flagged by Right Wing Watch. “And that if [Ginsburg] were there to rewrite the Constitution, they would not use the U.S. Constitution has the model.”
Howard-Brown is referring to comments Ginsburg made back in 2012 where she said, “I would not look to the U.S. Constitution, if I were drafting a Constitution in the year 2012. I might look at the Constitution of South Africa,” adding that she thought it was “a great piece of work that was done. Much more recent than the U.S. Constitution.”
Hall agreed, saying that Ginsburg shared the same view in regards to the Arab Spring when she allegedly posited that Egypt should look to countries other then the U.S. when rewriting their constitution.
“At that juncture, shouldn’t she have been removed from office?” Howard-Brown asked. “That was high treason!”
Hall replied that it was “clearly what we would classify constitutionally as bad behavior,” adding that she “should have been impeached immediately.”
After a slight pause, Howard-Brown said, “I’d have them shot.”
Amazingly, especially for the venue they both were appearing on, Hall tried to soften his opinion with a little reality.
“Well, fortunately with kings we got rid of the whole execution thing,” she said.
“I understand,” Howard-Brown conceded. “To me, that’s a terrible violation.”
Watch the video below, via Right Wing Watch:
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