Michele Bachmann: Trump is without a doubt ‘the most biblical president I’ve ever seen’

While the pro-Trump religious cult is a fairly new phenomenon in American politics, Michele Bachmann…

Michele Bachmann: Donald Trump is the ‘most godly and biblical president in our lifetimes’

During an appearance on the Understanding the Times webcast this Saturday, former Minnesota Republican congresswoman…

Trump’s acting Attorney General thinks judges should be more ‘biblical’ in their rulings

After the resignation (at President Trump's request) of Jeff Sessions as Attorney General, focus has…

Sarah Sanders on separating immigrant families: ‘It’s very biblical to enforce the law’

This Thursday during a heated press conference, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders defended…

Christian pastor declares that gun control laws are an ‘attack from Satan and his minions’

Right-wing pastor and radio host Chuck Baldwin thinks it's a biblical requirement that people own…

Christian radio host: If you don’t own an AR-15, ‘you’re worse than a heathen’

Appearing on Sheila Zilinsky’s podcast this weekend, right-wing pastor and radio host Chuck Baldwin raised the…