Study reveals that your annoying vegetarian friends are probably eating meat in secret

According to a recent study, vegetarians can be less-than-forthcoming about their late night exploits while…

Guess which flag isn’t flying at half-staff over the South Carolina statehouse

Follow @DeadStateTweets Back during the campaign for governor of South Carolina in 2014, Democratic candidate…

Rachel Dolezal’s Twitter feed can get pretty awkward sometimes

The bizarre and sad story of Rachel Dolezal is still being deconstructed across the media…

That Tea Party Twitter sociopath Todd Kincannon was arrested for domestic violence today

The former executive director for the South Carolina GOP, “family values” adherent, and famously sociopathic…

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg: ‘I wasn’t 100% sober’ during Obama’s SOTU speech

After a pic of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg apparently nodding out during Obama’s…