Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia outs himself as a young earth creationist

Speaking at the graduation of his granddaughter’s Catholic high school in Bethesda, Maryland this Thursday,…

Back in 2005, the comic strip ‘Doonesbury’ mocked creationism perfectly and scientifically

Garry Trudeau is an American icon, mainly because he was ahead of the curve on…

WATCH: Bill Nye’s debate with Marsha Blackburn shows how climate change denial is like creationism

Fresh off his debate exposing young earth creationists (leading to none other than Pat Robertson…

Watch Ken Ham compare Bill Nye to Satan who offers people the forbidden fruit of knowledge

In a video released one day after his debate with Bill Nye, young earth creationist…

Young-earth creationist debates sixth-grader and gets utterly destroyed

You have to wonder what’s more embarrassing: not being able to answer the intellectual challenges…