
Justin Bieber rejects GOP’s $5 million offer to perform at the Republican National Convention

According to a report from TMZ, pop star Justin Bieber rejected a $5 million offer from the GOP to perform at this year’s Republican National Convention.

The planned 45-minute performance would have been Bieber’s biggest payday ever for that sort of venue. Donors were even planning on covering some of the production cost.

Bieber was reportedly told that the event was not political and that he wasn’t expected to endorse GOP Presidential Nominee Donald Trump or any part of the GOP platform.

But Bieber’s team took issue with the claims of non-politicization and said that they found the event to be “100 percent political.” Bieber’s manager Scooter Braun at one point suggested that Bieber go ahead with the performance while displaying “Black Lives Matter” banners in the background.

From TMZ:

We’re told Braun was told he could not display BLM banners, but the donors would accept banners that read “All Lives Matter.” The donors also made it clear … Justin could say nothing disparaging about Trump or the GOP.

Braun allegedly told Bieber, who was initially tempted to take the gig, that the singer was free to perform, but that Braun could no longer represent him out of principle.

Bieber’s band, which is comprised entirely of African Americans, outright rejected participating in the performance.

The Biebs finally came to his senses.



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