68-year-old store worker who was punched 3 times in the face by shoplifter is fired after 13 years on the job

A Georgia Lowe’s worker who attempted to stop shoplifters from stealing from her store has been fired after 13 years of employment because she violated store policy in her attempt to intervene, according to reports.

Donna Hansbrough, 68, tried to stop one of the thieves by grabbing his shopping cart full of stolen items. In a Facebook post, the Rincon Police Department said “Lowes stated that Donna’s actions (grabbing the cart) was a violation of their policy and Donna was terminated as a result,” adding that she had been an employee at the store for 13 years.

When she grabbed the cart, one of the thieves punched her in the face three times, causing her “right eye to swell and blacken,” according to police.

“The total value of the merchandise that was stolen is $2,101.00. The two male subjects were identified as Jarmar LAWTON and Joseph BERRY. Joseph and Takyah are uncle and niece,” police wrote in the post.

Police are still searching for Takyah Berry and her uncle, Joseph Berry.

Watch a report on the story below:


Sky Palma

Before launching DeadState back in 2012, Sky Palma has been blogging about politics, social issues and religion for over a decade. He lives in Los Angeles and also enjoys Brazilian jiu jitsu, chess, music and art.