Sebastian Gorka, the former deputy assistant to President Trump who was ultimately kicked out of the White House late last year, is handing out fake Fox News business cards, according to an exclusive report from Mediaite.
Images provided by Mediate’s Caleb Escarma show the cards containing Gorka’s personal information with a “poorly edited and outdated” Fox News logo at the top.
Real Fox News business cards feature the current logo which adds the word “channel” as part of its company name. The logo’s searchlights are now only featured on the left side of the logo, as opposed to Gorka’s cards which show the searchlights on both sides.
Mediaite was informed about Gorka’s custom made stationary by a reporter working for a prestige print publication who was given a card by the pro-Trump pundit and noticed that it was not a legitimate Fox News card.
Fox News and Gorka were contacted for comment on this story, but neither responded in time for publication.
Earlier this month, The Daily Beast reported that Gorka has been banned from “hard news” programs on Fox, only allowing him to appear on opinion shows host by Sean Hannity and Jeanine Pirro.
After his ouster from the White House, Gorka was regular contributor on Fox and was a favorite of President Trump’s, who reportedly loved Gorka’s “berating and debating journalists during media appearances.”
But the hard news division at Fox doesn’t see him as a credible source of information.
From The Daily Beast:
One Fox News producer in the news division told The Daily Beast that their show avoided booking Gorka because he was essentially “useless” to them, and could offer nothing more than his typically unabashed, unconditional cheerleading for Trump.
Another staffer working on a hard-news show bluntly stated that “we will take other counterterrorism experts. We will not take Seb. Ever.”
As the Fox staffer explained, the reason for this is a general opinion within the news division and among reporting staff that Gorka is a “clown” and not an “objective” commentator on national security issues. (Gorka is often tagged by his critics as an academic fraud and an anti-Muslim zealot posing as an expert on radical Islam and foreign policy.)
Aside from Gorka’s questionable credibility is his questionable affiliations. He has appeared in multiple photographs sporting a medal from a Hungarian group listed by the State Department as having collaborated with the Nazis during World War II.
Featured image via screen grab/YouTube