
Alabama doctor to his unvaccinated patients: I can’t help you — go somewhere else

via facebook

In an effort to boost vaccinations, an Alabama doctor is telling patients who refuse to get vaccinated that he will no longer see them.

“Effective Oct. 1, 2021, Dr. Valentine will no longer see patients that are not vaccinated against COVID-19,” read a sign on Dr. Jason Valentine‘s office door, according to a post he made on Facebook.

“No conspiracy theories, no excuses. Just where do I go,” Valentine wrote in his Facebook post. “If they asked why, I told them COVID-19 is a miserable way to die and I can’t watch them die like that.”

Speaking to, Valentine said that while we do not yet have any great treatments for severe COVID-19 infection, “we do have great prevention with vaccines.”

“Unfortunately, many have declined to take the vaccine, and some end up severely ill or dead. I cannot and will not force anyone to take the vaccine, but I also cannot continue to watch my patients suffer and die from an eminently preventable disease,” he said.

According to The Hill, Valentine reportedly added that patients who still want to see him must submit proof of vaccination, and the office “will happily transfer” documentation of patients choosing to seek the care of a different physician.

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