Dumb People

Alex Jones: Robert Mueller is the ‘swamp king who is trying to kill the republic’

Alex Jones wants you to know that the real colluder with Russians is Robert Mueller.

According to the internet’s “swamp king” of whackjob conspiracy theories, InfoWars’ Alex Jones says that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election is illegitimate because Mueller himself is in bed with the Russians — or something like that.

“These swamp creatures and their swamp king, Mueller, believe they can overturn a duly elected president with their fraud … when Mueller is involved with all of these Russian companies.” Jones said on his show this Monday.

“It is disgusting, it is depressing, it is infuriating, it is enraging, it is nauseating, to know all about Russiagate, and to know that the Democratic Party, the entire leadership of it, everyone you investigate, is deep in with the Communist Chinese, the Russians, the globalists, selling the country out,” he continued.

Jones and other Trump-supporting pundits are in overdrive since it was revealed this Monday that the first three indictments were handed down as a result of Mueller’s probe. All those indicted were former members of Trump’s campaign, including former campaign chairman Paul Manafort, who was charged with laundering tens of millions of dollars for pro-Russian politicians in Ukraine.

Of course, there is zero evidence to suggest that Mueller has any connection to Russian entities, but evidence is not Jones’ strong suit.

Along with his rant, Jones included a new conspiracy theory claiming that the indictments were a ploy to distract from Obama’s alleged involvement in paying the company Fusion GPS to fund the dossier allegedly showing links between the Trump campaign and Russia.

“All of this is being done because it all came out last week, what we already knew about Fusion GPS and the fake pee-pee-gate, and the Uranium One deals and the payoffs and the lying to Congress and all the rest of it,” Jones said.

“You can be absolutely assured that globalism will fall, that globalism is failing. It’s dead on arrival. It’s falling apart faster than we thought,” Jones concluded. “There is going to be a nice Christian cross sticking out of your political carcass.”


Featured image via screen grab

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