
#ArmMeWith is the viral hashtag in response to Trump’s proposal to give teachers guns

This week, President Trump fired off a tweet voicing support for arming teachers in the classroom with guns, and in the process launched a new viral movement in social media.

According to BuzzFeed, teachers Brittany Wheaton of Utah, and Olivia Bertels of Kansas (both 27) connected on Instagram and came up with an idea to push back against the burgeoning plan to arm school teachers as a means to defend students against mass shooters. Reaching out to teachers on social media, the pair asked them to voice what they’d rather be “armed with” instead of guns.

“Since teachers are the individuals in the classroom when it happens, I like to think we know what’s best for our students,” Wheaton said. “If you’re an educator, you know that [more guns] is not a solution to stopping the violence that’s happening in our schools. Knowing that, I decided to start the #armmewith movement, where ACTUAL teachers give their solutions to what’s happening,”

In no time, the hashtag spread like wildfire across Instagram.

Featured image via Twitter

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