
As Ted Cruz announced his ’16 bid at Liberty University, audience trashes him on social media

deadstate cruz

When Ted Cruz announced his ’16 presidential yesterday morning at Jerry Falwell’s Liberty University, you would have thought he’d have a warm reception at the fundamentalist Christian campus where getting caught kissing or dancing can get you into trouble.

When Ted Cruz announced his ’16 presidential yesterday morning at Jerry Falwell’s Liberty University, you would have thought he’d get a warm reception at the fundamentalist Christian campus where getting caught kissing or dancing can get you into trouble.

But as Bloomberg, the Washington Post, VoxBusiness Insider and Gawker pointed out, an army of Liberty students took to the social media app Yik Yak to mock Cruz’s speech. As Gawker’s Jordan Sargent pointed out, “kids at Christian colleges love to be buttholes” sometimes too.

Here are a few screenshots from the mutiny:

lib 1lib 2lib 3deadstate cruzlib 4And then there was this:

Screen Shot 2015-03-24 at 2.06.03 PMScreen Shot 2015-03-24 at 2.04.49 PM Featured images courtesy of Gawker

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