
Ashley Judd fights back after internet trolls tweet sexually violent attacks against her

Internet trolls are the lowest of the low. Cowards empowered by the anonymity of the Internet who fail at any kind of social interaction in real life, they weaponize their inner anger and aim it at people online and hope for a reaction, any kind reaction, any kind of acknowledgment.

Internet trolls are the lowest of the low. Cowards empowered by the anonymity of the Internet who fail at any kind of social interaction in real life, they weaponize their inner anger and aim it at people online and hope for a reaction, any kind reaction, any kind of acknowledgment.

Now, it looks like some of these lost souls will have to pay a price. Actress Ashley Judd, a well-known University of Kentucky basketball fan and graduate of the school, was attacked with a tirade of sexually violent tweets while she attended a Wildcats game this weekend.

Now, she’s decided to strike back.

The despicable attacks began when Judd fired off a typical tweet as an enthusiastic fan, saying that the opposing team was “playing dirty.”

The responses she received disgusting, from a troll telling her to “suck a d*ck” to another calling her a “c*nt,” the examples go on.

“The amount of gender violence that I experience is absolutely extraordinary,” Judd said this Tuesday on the Today show. “And a significant part of my day today will be spent filing police reports at home about gender violence that’s directed at me in social media.”

Judd also addressed the attacks from her own Twitter account, calling out this one troll who thought her concerns weren’t that urgent:

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She then proceeded to retweet other examples of abuse, putting the trolls and their profiles on full blast: Screen Shot 2015-03-18 at 3.06.14 PMScreen Shot 2015-03-18 at 3.08.30 PM

From Mother Jones:

Judd’s harassment comes at a time when more women are speaking out against online abuse, whether via cyber-stalking and threats or movements such as #Gamergate. However, prosecuting such threats has proved notoriously difficult. Some members of Congress are asking the federal government to beef up enforcement of laws that already prohibit such threats of violence. From 2010-2013, federal prosecutors only investigated 10 cyber-stalking reports, despite 2.5 million cases of women being harassed online.

Featured image courtesy of the NY Daily News



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    Rick W

    March 19, 2015 at 2:16 am

    Ashley Judd is my dream wife!

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    March 19, 2015 at 4:37 am

    But what was so violent about those comments? I’m sure rape victims would think otherwise.

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