Leaked Walmart training video warns new employees about joining unions

If you think Walmart simultaneously shutting down 5 stores across the country to fix “plumbing…

Paul Krugman just destroyed conservatives trying to rewrite Iraq war history

Anyone who pays attention to certain conservatives on social media knows they’re trying to weasel…

Judge rules that ‘abstinence-only’ is illegal and not legitimate sex education

This May, a California judge ruled that indoctrinating students on the need to remain celibate…

GOP congressman votes for abortion ban (Never mind that he pressured his mistress to get one)

A “pro-life” Tennessee GOP congressman who is incredibly enthusiastic about abortions when it comes to…

Two Baltimore cops caught on video looting 7-Eleven during riots

According to a report from the Baltimore Sun this week, two Baltimore correctional officers were…

Right wing ‘journalist’ Chuck C. Johnson solves Amtrak disaster (Hint: someone is gay)

Sometimes when I look at the work of far-right wing “journalist” Chuck C. Johnson, I…

Records show Donald Trump gave at least $100K to the Clinton Foundation

Perpetual ‘possible’ GOP presidential candidate and real estate mogul Donald Trump, along with his daughter…

Famously anti-gay GOP house speaker gets busted sexting an intern (We got screenshots)

According to the Kansas City Star, GOP Missouri House Speaker John Diehl has been sending…

Video surfaces showing Illinois cop pepper spraying two handcuffed teens

State authorities are investigating video that surfaced showing an Illinois police officer spraying two teens…

Study finds huge numbers of people are throwing away their ‘Christian’ identity

According to a new survey by the Pew Research Center, people in the United States…