‘Los Feliz Day Care’ is the funniest Twitter profile I’ve ever seen

Pseudoscience-believing, anti-vaxxer parents from the elite neighborhoods of Southern California are no joke, but nailing…

THIS is the most definitive photo collection of Comet 67P

After 12 years of travel to Comet 67P some 300 million miles away, the Rosetta’s…

The children of Idaho’s ‘faith healing’ families are dying, and state Republicans refuse to stop it

After the deaths of 12 children who belonged to “faith healing” families in Idaho, state…

Here are 21 of Jaden Smith’s dumbest tweets

Jaden Smith, son of Will and Jada, brother of Willow, is quite an interesting kid.…

No matter how many times you replay this video, it’ll guess the card you’re thinking of

This video apparently went viral about two years ago, so the fact that I’m only…

This amazing GIF is the best argument against cars ever made

Here’s an eye-opening image that I found pretty fascinating. A lot people tend to brush…

Ken Ham’s hypocrisy on religious discrimination has his creationist theme park in serious trouble

For a man who constantly touts his plans to build a creationist empire in the…

Guy photographs people on their smartphones and ‘The Death of Conversation’

I came across this photography series recently, and I see it more than just a…

Prank on ‘chemtrail’ conspiracists proves they’ll believe anything they see on the internet

Anyone who’s had an Internet connection for the last decade has most likely heard of…

Josh Feuerstein bets atheists $100K they can’t prove God doesn’t exist, atheist proves Josh is dumb

Evangelical pastor and Internet celebrity Joshua Feuerstein lives in a bubble. It’s a bubble so…