Called Out

Bernie Sanders: ‘Trump should be the next to resign over sexual misconduct’

Bernie Sanders stated the obvious during an interview on CBS this morning.

Speaking to CBS this Thursday morning, Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) said President Trump should consider resigning over the sexual assault allegations against him that were brought up during the 2016 campaign.

“We have a president of the United States who acknowledged on a tape widely seen all over the country that he’s assaulted women, so I would hope maybe the president of the United States might pay attention of what’s going on and also think about resigning,” Sanders said on CBS This Morning,” referring to the Access Hollywood video that made headlines last year.

Sanders said that a “cultural revolution” needs to happen to fully address sexual misconduct.

“What I worry about right now, as we speak, in restaurants and in offices all over this country, where you have bosses who are not famous, there is harassment of women and women are being intimidated,” Sanders said. “We need a cultural revolution in this country.”

Sanders’ comments come in the wake of Senator Al Franken’s resignation over sexual misconduct allegations, along with a long string of powerful men in Hollywood and politics being outed as sexual predators. In the run-up to Franken’s resignation this Thursday, more than 30 Democratic senators called on him to step down after a seventh woman came forward accusing Franken of forcibly trying to kiss her.

Watch Sanders’ make his comments in the video below:

Featured image via screen grab (YouTube)


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