
Bernie Sanders: ‘Trump’s populist campaign message was a lie’

Bernie Sanders reminds those who will listen that the president is a pathological liar.

During an appearance on MSNBC’s Morning Joe this Friday, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) slammed President Trump as a “pathological liar” just hours before the deadline for a government shutdown.

Sanders was asked to assess Trump’s first year in office.

“Has it really only been one year?” Sanders joked. “I thought it was about 16 years.”

According to Sanders, Trump’s promises during his campaign have not been fulfilled.

“We have a president … who is a pathological liar,” Sanders said. “[He] ran on a populist campaign, he said, ‘health care for everybody,’ he’s going to stand up to Wall Street, he’s going to stand up to the drug companies — he lied.”

Sanders added that Trump’s presidency is an embarrassment.

“I think it is an international embarrassment. We have a president who has driven the respect that this great country has all over the world down lower than it has ever been,” he said.

Watch a clip of Sanders’ appearance below:

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