
Bill Maher in 2015: ‘Trump is the white Kanye’

As the Twitter world reels over Kanye West‘s recent full fledged turn to Trumplandia, an old clip from Real Time with Bill Maher is getting some renewed attention.

During the segment which took place in June of 2015, host Bill Maher turned the discussion to then-GOP candidate Donald Trump. Maher was much more wary of Trump’s potential to be president while his panelists were still laboring under the delusion that he ultimately lose to Hillary Clinton.

“…I hear all over the media, ‘He’s just a joke, it’s just a publicity stunt, don’t worry about it, it will all go away’ — it’s not going away,” Maher said prophetically.

“This is the Frankenstein monster that was created with the Tea Party,” he continued. “This is your worst nightmare because he’s catapulted to second in the polls.”

But columnist and GOP pollster Kristen Soltis Anderson didn’t believe him.

“I don’t think Donald Trump is going to stay at the top of the polls for very long,” she said.

“Here’s the thing about Donald Trump,” Maher countered. “He never apologizes, he’s never wrong, no matter what crazy thing he says — he’s the white Kanye.”

“For a party whose base adores belligerence, this is the guy.”

The next exchange really illustrates how aware Maher was of the situation. At one point, conservative commentator Mary Katherine Ham chimed in to say that Trump’s past friendship with the Clintons and his donations to liberal causes make his chances of becoming a Republican president even slimmer. But according to Maher, “it’s beyond liberal or conservative, it’s the id, it’s the lizard brain.”

Watch the video from Real Time that originally aired June 26, 2015:

Featured image via screen grab

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