Bill Maher: Revelations about Saudi involvement in 9/11 is final proof ‘we attacked the wrong country’

On the latest episode of Real Time with Bill Maher, the comedic host talked about the supposed Saudi Arabian “support network,” wondering why the US still keeps the kingdom as a “frenemy.”

“The word ‘ally’ in the Middle East should be subtracted from the language,” said show guest journalist Lawrence Wright.

“We don’t share the principles or the interests — or many of the objectives — [of] Saudi Arabia, or many of the countries in that region. It’s just not correct to say that they’re our allies. We have associations with them. We have some common interests.”

“Not to overlook if they were responsible for 9/11,” Maher responded. “Especially since if we know that it was the Saudis who attacked us, wow, that makes the Iraq war look even worse. Lots of people have always said, ‘We attacked the wrong country.’ But now it’s pretty out there — we definitely attacked the wrong country, and there was an actual right country.”

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