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‘But my emails’: Hillary Clinton trolls James Comey for using personal email for FBI business

According to findings from the Justice Department’s inspector general this Thursday, James Comey used a personal Gmail account for official government business while he was FBI Director leading the investigation into Hillary Clinton‘s email server.

The report point to several examples, one being a time when Comey sent himself drafts of a testimony he planned to deliver to Congress and drafts of bureau-wide updates he planned to send to mark milestones during the year, CNN reports.

The reports states that using a personal email server for government work is “inconsistent” with DOJ policy.

From CNN:

The FBI investigation in 2015 and 2016 looked into whether Clinton and others deliberately sought to handle classified information improperly on her personal email account and server while she was secretary of state.

Comey in July 2016 announced that, while he found Clinton’s actions “extremely careless,” he would not recommend charges against her. That October, he informed Congress that FBI agents had recovered additional emails possibly relevant to the Clinton probe.

Asked by IG investigators if he had any concerns about conducting bureau business on his personal device and account, “Comey stated that he did not,” the report says.

In the wake of the report’s release, Clinton took an opportunity to take a jab at the fact that Comey was utilizing the very same practice he was investigating her for.

“But my emails,” Clinton tweeted while linking to a summary of the report from POLITICO’s Kyle Cheney.

According to the report, Comey clarified that he did not use his personal email or laptop for classified or sensitive information, and only used his personal email “when I needed to word process an unclassified (document) that was going to be disseminated broadly, (such as a) public speech or public email to the whole organization.”

Clinton has also said in the past that she did not use personal email account for classified business, adding that her messages were captured by State Department servers.

Featured image via Flickr

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