During an appearance on C-SPAN this Tuesday, evangelical firebrand and Family Research Council president Tony Perkins got an earful from a caller who described himself as a former evangelical who went back to being a “true Christian.”
The caller, who identified himself as “Steve” from North Carolina, told Perkins that a “true Christian follows the teachings of Jesus.”
“Evangelicals have become paranoid, white Christians losing their country to minorities,” Steve said. “They have only one goal and that is to keep America white and Christian. And that’s exactly opposite of what Christianity is. Christianity is about love and helping others and taking care of others.”
As an uncomfortable Perkins sat and listened, Steve went on to say that evangelicals “have become paranoid, white Christians losing their country to minorities.”
“They have only one goal and that is to keep America white and Christian. And that’s exactly opposite of what Christianity is. Christianity is about love and helping others and taking care of others,” the caller said.
Likely referring to figures such as Pat Robertson, Jim Bakker, Franklin Graham, and others, Steve pointed out that “paranoid white Christians” have become “worshippers of Donald Trump.”
“They follow all of these false prophets out there living in $16 million houses, flying around in $10 million jets. They need to wake up.”
“Jesus is love, not hate,” Steve said.
Unsurprisingly, Perkins took issue with Steve’s assessment.
“I know we want to describe Jesus as all love,” Perkins said. “He is love, but he’s truth. And we cannot sacrifice his truth because if we do that, we’ll never experience his love.”
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