Former top White House aide Sebastian Gorka was on the receiving end of some invective from a C-SPAN caller during his appearance on the network’s Washington Journal this Tuesday.
As Gorka took calls from the audience, one caller phoned in to let Gorka know how he feels about him and the rest of President Trump’s inner circle.
“Mr Gorka, I just really look forward to when you and Corey Lewandowski, David Bossie and Don Jr., Jared Kushner, all of you are exposed for the treasonous bitches that you are,” the caller said.
As soon as it was apparent that the caller’s comments weren’t in good faith, the host cut him off and apologized to Gorka.
But Gorka, never to let an insult go unchallenged, wanted to respond.
“Why is there such hatred out there — it’s just un-American,” Gorka said.
“This is a duly elected president. People need to get over the fact that we have a republic… This level of hatred — not good for the health of the republic.”
Gorka, who worked as a deputy assistant to Trump, left his position in the White House about a year ago, although some reports say he was forced out. Since then, he’s been a frequent guest on networks such as Fox News as a loyal supporter of Trump’s agenda.
Earlier this month, The Daily Beast reported that Gorka has been banned from “hard news” programs on Fox, only allowing him to appear on opinion shows host by Sean Hannity and Jeanine Pirro.
Last year, the Jewish-American news outlet Forward, reported that Gorka is a sworn member of a Hungarian far-right group “under the direction of the Nazi Government of Germany” during World War II. Forward says Gorka‘s membership in the Vitézi Rend was confirmed by the organization itself, saying he “took a lifelong oath of loyalty to their group.” Gorka, who is an immigrant, could have his status threatened if he didn’t disclose his membership in the group when he entered the U.S.
Watch the C-SPAN exchange below:
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