Little is known about autism, but the incredible gifts that some with this condition possess is outright astounding. Five-year-old Iris Grace from...
A U.K. street artist recently added a few paste-up pieces on a London wall. When the graffiti removal guy came along as...
When Brazilian illustrator Rafael Mantesso divorced with his ex-wife, she took all of the furniture with her, leaving behind an empty house...
Oink, woof, and meow are a few examples of how we identify animals when writing about or describing their mannerisms. But how...
While in the middle of a project, Canada-based photographer and graphic designer Urlic Collete used Photoshop to age an image of his...
There are a lot of people who possess some pretty impressive skills when it comes to photoshop. But not many can create...
Wedding photographer Patrick Hall from South Carolina did one of the nuttiest photoshoots we’ve ever seen.
It’s rare privilege to see an artist like Callejero Dibujando.
Since the goal of legalized pot isn’t such a lofty idea anymore, it’s interesting to think about what kind of warning labels...
In case you weren’t paying attention, last year experts claimed that a “second version” of the Mona Lisa was completed by Leonardo...