Speaking at an April 27 event at New York University, Glenn Beck portrayed what is now a somewhat disputed version of his...
In what was quite a heated exchange this Friday, Ann Coulter and anti-tax advocate Grover Norquist debated immigration reform on CNBC’s The...
On this week’s edition of Fox News Sunday, host Chris Wallace directed some tough questioning towards the appointed head of the NRA’s...
During the Saturday edition of Fox News Watch, Megyn Kelly‘s interview with the NRA’s Wayne LaPierre the following Thursday was the topic...
Seemingly pushing a conspiracy theory first disseminated by the conservative website The Daily Caller, Fox News suggested that President Obama may have...
Dr. Ben Carson, the Johns Hopkins neurosurgeon who has become a rising star in conservative circles, came under fire for remarks earlier...
Fox News is breathing life back into a conspiracy theory about federal ammunition purchases — the same conspiracy theory that the network...
On the Fox News show Lou Dobbs Tonight, panelist Angela McGlowan managed to make a bizarre link between recent proposed gun legislation...
Using a Wall Street Journal opinion piece to attack a federal farm subsidy program at the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Fox News...
In a bizarre segment on Fox News this Tuesday, a guest warned that the Democrat plan to expand gun background checks would...