Michele Bachmann: The Bible warned that ‘transgender Black Marxists’ would try to elect Biden
During an appearance on televangelist Kenneth Copeland's program last week, former Minnesota GOP Rep. Michele…
Pro-Trump pastor: Refusing me service for not wearing a mask is like racial segregation
Conspiracy theorist, racist, homophobe -- those are a few ways to describe David Daubenmire. Now…
Mark Taylor: Christians who vote for Biden are committing ‘spiritual treason punishable by spiritual death’
On a recent broadcast, career crackpot conspiracy theorist Mark Taylor had some bad news for…
RNC speaker: The husband in a ‘godly household’ should get ‘final say’ on who to vote for
Anti-abortion activist Abby Johnson spoke at the Republican Convention this Tuesday night, which means that…
Kenneth Copeland: Trump uses foul language because he’s too busy to watch Christian TV
During the annual Southwest Believers Convention held at Kenneth Copeland's Texas megachurch last week, the…
Evangelical Trump supporter: Mike Pence is like a ‘submissive wife’ to Trump
In a recent piece for The New York Times, Elizabeth Dias delves into the much-analyzed…
Trump lawyer: Michelle Obama is depressed because she’s a liberal who needs Jesus
During a recent discussion with NPR's Michele Norris, former First Lady Michelle Obama said that…
Alex Jones urges fans to kill protesters ‘in a defensive way’
During a rant on his show last Wednesday, Alex Jones said that unrest in American…
Trump campaign official: Separation of church and state ‘does not exist’
During a Zoom event this Monday hosted by Asian Pacific Americans for Trump, President Trump's…
Rick Wiles: Trump should use ‘hallow-point bullets’ to take down BLM protesters
Speaking on a recent broadcast of his TruNews show, antisemitic conspiracy theorist Rick Wiles suggested…