In testimony given during Alex Jones' custody trial this week, a doctor said that Jones had once been diagnosed with narcissistic personality...
Infowars host and all-around nutbag conspiracy theorist Alex Jones is in a bit of a pickle. As evidenced by a video rant...
Unsurprisingly, InfoWars host and nutbag disseminator of conspiracies Alex Jones is a bit miffed at Michael Flynn's resignation as President Trump's National...
Alex Jones can see a conspiracy theory in everything, and the recent death of legendary actress and author Carrie Fisher isn't immune...
In the wake of the Comet Ping Pong pizzeria shooting, conspiracy-mongering InfoWars host Alex Jones has been scrambling to delete content on...
Conspiracy theorist and InfoWars host Alex Jones is scrambling to erase content he's disseminated related to #PizzaGate.
Tracking down the origins of a conspiracy theory is sometimes difficult, but there's good evidence to indicate where the "Pizza Gate" story...
A Florida woman who believes the Sandy Hook massacre was a hoax is now paying the price for threatening the parents of...
This Tuesday, CNN host Jake Tapper confronted vice president-elect Mike Pence over the hiring of Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn's son to Donald...
Donald Trump's most notorious conspiracy-mongering supporter has a new warning for his impressionable and fear-drenched radio listeners: a world war is coming...