Looks like Trump's Fake News Awards is a flop.
There is no Hillary Clinton sex tape, and Pizza Gate is not real.
In one disturbing tweet this Thursday, President Trump signaled that he's more than willing to utilize the power of government to clamp...
This weekend, a video showing Osteen's sister, Lisa Osteen leading a prayer service for Hurricane Harvey victims went viral.
James McDaniel decided it was time to reveal the ruse once his site reached a million views.
A recent viral story doesn't even live up the slightest scrutiny, but a lot of people are buying it hook, line, and...
A Jewish family whose child attends elementary school in Lancaster, Pennsylvania has fled the county after Fox News and Breitbart ran false...
Jones, who's claimed that the Sandy Hook massacre of children in Newtown, Connecticut was a hoax, that the government is creating gay...