The Catholic Diocese of El Paso, Texas, is making a stand against the new state open carry law. The dioceses is putting...
Many believe the Oregon militiamen should be arrested immediately. But not CNN analyst Art Roderick.
The NRA lawsuit seeking to exempt gun dealers from a new tax was rejected by a state trial court earlier this week....
God was apparently asleep at the wheel on this one.
The 2012 massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School, during which nearly 30 people were fatally shot, seemed to be the turning point...
Mother Jones columnist Tim Murphy demonstrated how easy it was to get an official conceal carry license in America, by getting his...
A gun used in last month's Paris terror attacks has been traced back to a Florida arms dealer who, oddly enough, was...
Several combat veterans spoke out on the "lies" peddled by the NRA and the politicians that they own.
The New York Times issued a front page editorial for the first time since 1920, responding to the number of mass shootings...
Falwell's remarks came during a convocation speech at Liberty University, a private Christian college in Lynchburg, Va. He would later clarify his...