Two hilarious new videos have been circulating on social media, showing Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump dubbed over with a British accent.
A 20-year-old man ruined the new film, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, for movie goers waiting in line when he shouted its...
Bad Lip Reading has really crossed a line now.
Will Ferrell made yet another triumphant return to Saturday Night Live this weekend.
Organizations like The NRA and GOP have long promoted the "good guy with a gun" theory, claiming that the world would be...
After the boy approached him, Trump hoisted the child by the armpits above the crowd, and up into the microphone. Fortunately, there would...
Carson identifies as a Seventh Day Adventist, a sect of Christianity which believes that Jesus will return to Earth very soon, starting...
The Onion is known for satirical news stories that blend outrageous humor with truth, creating content that is often prophetic and relevant. In...
On Friday night, Maher's famed "New Rules" segment featured quite a few truth bombs for white Americans who are constantly worried about...
One brave Tumblr user did humanity a favor last week.