Trump decries the evils of outsourcing, except that time when he praised outsourcing

On the night of his big Super Tuesday win, Republican front-runner Donald Trump slammed the…

Ted Koppel confronts Bill O’Reilly: Interviewing Trump is ‘irrelevant’ now because of you

In a recent segment on Fox's The O'Reilly Factor, former longtime ABC News mainstay Ted Koppel…

The GOP Establishment let Trump happen and now they’re trying to kill the monster they’ve created

I started reading The National Review last summer. It's not a publication aimed at me…

As president, Ben Carson promises to end the non-existent ‘ban on Christianity in public schools’

Dr. Ben Carson has stooped to saying anything for votes in the face of his…

Athena Salman is the latest candidate for the Arizona State House to come out as an atheist

Another atheist lawmaker emerged from under the shadows of the predominate Christian Arizona Senate. Athena…

S.C. governor Nikki Haley: ‘Trump is everything we teach our kids not to be’

South Carolina governor Nikki Haley not only criticized Donald Trump on ABC's This Week, but bluntly…

Donald Trump is getting endorsements from some of the world’s most infamous racists

Some of the world's most infamous racists are starting to endorse Republican presidential candidate Donald…

Bernie Sanders: My religion is ‘we are all in this together’

As the Republican presidential candidates scramble to get evangelicals in their respective corners, Bernie Sanders is taking a…

So Melania Trump gave Hillary Clinton’s campaign $2,000 back in 2006

Melania Trump is apparently her husband's biggest supporter, which makes you wonder if she's listening to…

Illinois GOP: If single moms can’t find the dad, their babies won’t get birth certificates

We've removed this post because aspects of the story later turned out to be inaccurate.…