That time Michele Bachmann said 9/11 was ‘God’s judgement’ on America

In May of 2013, members of Congress and the religious right gathered for a prayer…

Fox News Guest: The Age of Enlightenment Led ‘Down the Dark Path to the Holocaust’ (VIDEO)

Appearing on Fox & Friends, Penny Nance, the CEO of Concerned Woman for America, launched…

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal Seemingly Endorses Teaching Creationism in Public Schools (VIDEO)

This Friday, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal seemed to endorse the idea of teaching creationism in…

Pat Robertson: ‘Sophisticated’ Americans are Less Likely to Experience Miracles (VIDEO)

This Monday, televangelist Pat Robertson told his viewers that “sophisticated” Americans are less likely to…

Michelle Bachmann Attributes Fight Against Obamacare to Her ‘Born Again’ Christian Nature (VIDEO)

Michele Bachmann created quite a stir in a speech on the House floor this Thursday…

Televangelist Pat Robertson Claims His Latest Divine Insight Has Come True (VIDEO)

On Monday, Television evangelist Pat Robertson said that a holy vision he had of some…

Canadian Study Claims Mother Teresa’s Humanitarian Image Was a ‘Myth’ (VIDEO)

In a recent study by Canadian academics, the myth surrounding Mother Teresa as a humanitarian…

More Scandals to Come for Catholic Church and Former Pope, Russia Today Guest Claims (VIDEO)

In a report on the English language news channel Russia Today, Keith Porteous Wood of…

In 2010 Interview, Christopher Hitchens Slams the Tea Party as the ‘Know-Nothing Isolationist Tradition’ (VIDEO)

Shortly before he succumbed to esophageal cancer in 2011, the journalist, author, and polemicist Christopher…

Televangelist Pat Robertson Attributes New Climate Change Study to ‘Nutty’ PH.D.s (VIDEO)

On Thursday, televangelist Pat Robertson dismissed the strong scientific evidence that large winter storms are…