As multiple outlets have reported, Special Counsel Robert Mueller sent a letter to Attorney General William Barr expressing concerns about Barr’s 4-page summary of the Mueller report in the wake of its release. According to Mueller, Barr failed to fully contextualize the findings of the 448-page report, which according to Mueller sowed “public confusion” as a result.
In a later phone conversation between the two, Mueller told Barr that while he didn’t think his summary was inaccurate, the summary failed to fully communicate Mueller’s findings on the obstruction of justice issue and caused media coverage of the story to lack the full picture.
Unsurprisingly, media outlets’ interpretation of Mueller’s letter has split down the usual partisan lines, but one anchor from a network notorious for its partisan nature is reminding his colleagues that fact are facts, and not a matter of opinion.
This Wednesday, Fox News’ Chris Wallace called out the opinion faction of Fox, telling them that “we have to deal in facts.”
“I know there are some people who don’t think this March 27th letter is a big deal — some opinion people on this network who may pushing a political agenda,” Wallace said, holding a copy of Mueller’s letter in his hand. “But, we have to deal in facts, and the fact is that this letter from the Special Counsel — and it was one of at least three contacts with the Attorney General between March 25th and March 27th — was a clear indication that [Mueller] was upset, very upset with the letter that had been sent out by the Attorney General and wanted it changed, or wanted at least added to, and the Attorney General refused to do so.”
Fox News' Chris Wallace: Some opinion people who appear on this network who might be pushing a political agenda don't think the Mueller letter is a big deal. But we have to deal in facts — the fact is this letter was a clear indication that Mueller was very upset w/ Barr.
— Lis Power (@LisPower1) May 1, 2019
“He felt the Attorney General’s letter was inaccurate,” Wallace continued, adding that Mueller emphasized that Barr “didn’t reflect” what Mueller found in the report regarding the obstruction of justice question.
“There are a lot of people having read now the full report or as much as has been not redacted agree that he didn’t reveal what was fully in the report,” Wallace said. “Again, those aren’t opinions. That’s not a political agenda. Those are the facts.”
Wallace’s comments came after fellow Fox News host Laura Ingraham criticized him over his coverage of the story, accusing him of falling in line with “these other cable news networks,” presumably MSNBC and CNN.
While Mueller’s report did not find sufficient evidence that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russia government, it did not exonerate Trump on the question of obstruction of justice.
Featured image: screen grab/Fox News