
Christian nationalist outraged that new quarters show George Washington ‘turning his back’ on ‘In God We Trust’

During a recent livestream, Christian nationalist, die-hard Trump supporter, and self-proclaimed “prophet” Lance Wallnau cried foul in regards to the new 2022 edition of quarters, saying the fact that George Washington is facing away from the “In God We Trust” inscription is a sign that something is up.

“The quarters are different,” Wallnau declared. “The 2022 quarter has Washington facing to the right” as opposed to quarters fro previous years.

“Well, there’s significance in these things, dunderhead” Wallnau said to anyone who’d dare to mock his observation. “There’s prophetic significance in numbers, in times, in signs that you would miss if you mock people like us, because there is significance in them turning the face of Washington — America, you might say — of turning its back on God.”

Watch the video below, via Right Wing Watch:

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