Christian pastor: I plan to ‘curse’ the coronavirus and ‘make it disappear’ from America

Evangelical pastor Rodney Howard-Browne is confident that he purged Florida of the Zika virus and now he appears convinced that he can make the Coronavirus disappear — in the U.S. anyway — because he can’t be responsible for the rest of the world. Howard-Browne has made other interesting comments in the past, including that Trump is “too nice to Democrats” and should “get meaner.” He’s also had some uncomplimentary words for John Bolton, whom he described as a “clown walrus Warhawk.”

Beginning with a reference to Zika virus, Howard-Browne said:

“And we disturbed it, declared we cursed that thing in the name of Jesus and Zika disappeared. We are doing the same thing with the Coronavirus. We do not need it on these shores, and obviously — somebody said ‘Well what about the rest of the world?’ I can’t be responsible for every city or whatever.”

Watch the video below, via Right Wing Watch:

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