The Trump Cult

Christian ‘prophet’: Your support for Trump is a ‘measure of your dedication to God’

Self-proclaimed “prophet” and QAnon cultist Johnny Enlow appeared on the Elijah Streams show this Friday and told viewers that if they don’t believe Donald Trump is still president, their faith in God is questionable.

“I call it the ‘Trump Test,’” Enlow said in a video clip flagged by Right Wing Watch. “It’s a biblical precedent that it’s not sufficient just to say, ‘Hey, I worship God, I’m totally sold out to God or to Jesus.’”

According to Enlow, Trump is God’s chosen leader, and those who don’t recognize that are “going to come under the judgment for not recognizing it.”

If you go against God’s person that he’s using, his instrument, even if you think you have 100 percent devotion to God, it’s going to cost you. … This is a line in the sand, this ‘Trump Test,'” Enlow said.

Watch the video below:

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