
Columbine victim’s father eviscerates Ben Carson’s ‘disgraceful’ comments on mass shootings

Tom Mauser, whose son Daniel was murdered in what many think of as the “original” school shooting of our time, is challenging Carson’s remarks.

Everyone remembers Ben Carson’s now infamous claim that he was held at gunpoint at a Baltimore Popeye’s Chicken restaurant years ago, and how he supposedly handled the gunman. He is also known for pretty much blaming the victims of the Umpqua Community College shooting in Oregon for their own deaths.

Well, one man is sick of it, and he is speaking out against Carson’s offensive statements regarding mass shootings. Tom Mauser, whose son Daniel was murdered in what many think of as the “original” school shooting of our time — Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado — is challenging Carson’s remarks.

“This is a message for Dr. Ben Carson, the Republican presidential candidate who made some statements this past week following the tragic shootings at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon.

“I’d like to respond to some of those statements because I thought they were so insensitive, so reckless, disgraceful, senseless, shameful.”

And Mr. Mauser is exactly right, especially the part where Carson said:

“No body with bullet holes is more devastating than taking the right to arm ourselves away.”

Mauser responded to this particular atrocity by saying:

“To me, that’s such a disturbing statement. Dr. Carson, you have indeed seen bodies with bullet holes, but while perhaps maybe it might have become a little routine for you, I would like to think that you still were shaken by it.

But, instead, you seem to only react in terms of your gun rights. I don’t understand that.

[When you see a] “body with bullet holes, I would hope that you sit down and grieve along with the others who are grieving the loss of that human being.

Their intent is not to take away your gun. Their intent is to prevent the pain that they have felt. They don’t want other people to go through what they’ve gone through.”

Mauser also took on Carson’s suggestion that there was something the victims could have done to save their own lives.

Watch the video below:

[Raw Story] Featured image via YouTube 



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