
Donald Trump Jr’s Halloween joke about socialism didn’t go over so well

Don Jr. owns himself on Twitter once again.

Donald Trump Jr.’s Twitter history is not stellar. If retweeting conspiracy theories and memes from antisemites wasn’t creepy enough, he’s now using his daughter’s image to score cheap political points against what he deems to be socialism-loving leftists.

Along with an adorable picture of his daughter holding a half-empty Halloween candy bucket, Don Jr. tweeted, “I’m going to take half of Chloe’s candy tonight & give it to some kid who sat at home. It’s never to early to teach her about socialism.”

But the tweet proved to be a prime target for internet mockery. Thankfully, most people had the good sense to steer clear of attacking his daughter directly, but the irony embedded in the tweet’s sentiment garnered some pretty biting responses.

You can view the entire Twitter thread here.

Featured image via YouTube

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