Dumb People

Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson: ‘I may be forced to run for president’

Last week, the group My Faith Votes hosted a teleforum with reality TV star and religious right firebrand Phil Roberts, where he announced that he may just have to run for president.

According to Right Wing Watch, My Faith Votes was behind the meeting that Donald Trump held with hundreds of Religious Right leaders back in June, so “it was no surprise that most of the focus of the call was on encouraging Christian voters to support Trump.”

Robertson agreed with a caller who said that “rising secularism” in the United States is “the greatest assault on Christianity” in modern times. Robertson responded that the “assault” is due to voters who “elect depraved souls” to office instead of candidates who will stand up for religious freedom, gun rights, and oppose gay marriage.

“You call it secularism,” he said, “I just call it the Evil One, the Evil One that controls human beings.”

Robertson said that the Christians’ only hope is to elect a godly candidate.

“The one that at least won’t disarm us, spiritually speaking and physically speaking.”

“I can’t tell you how to vote,” Robertson said. “If they keep fooling around long enough, they’re going to force me to run. If you want to see a change in America, get me in there, dude, and there will be a big change then, if you all are ready for it.”

Watch the video below, via Right Wing Watch:



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