
Duggars to Megyn Kelly: Josh’s actions were ‘nothing like rape,’ they were just ‘inappropriate’

Fox News has finally aired Megyn Kelly’s interview with Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, and it’s probably leaving more questions than answers.

Fox News has finally aired Megyn Kelly’s interview with Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, and it’s probably leaving more questions than answers.

The Duggars admitted that Josh has molested their daughters, but described it as “nothing like rape, “only “inappropriate touching” over their clothes.

“Here we’ve tried to raise our kids to do what’s right, to know what’s right, and yet one of our children made some really bad choices and I think, as a parent, we were just — we were devastated,” Michelle said talkin about the time Josh initially came to them and “shared” what he had done.

According to Jim Bob, Josh had come to them a total of three times, each to confess to what he’d done on three separate occasions.

Another part of the interview features Josh’s sisters. Appearing with their parents, they were still defending their brother.

“I do want to speak up in his defense against people who are calling him a child molester or a pedophile or a rapist, some people are saying,” Jessa Duggar told Kelly. “I’m like, ‘That is so overboard and a lie really.’ I mean people get mad at me for saying that, but I can say this because I was one of the victims.”

Watch the full interview below:


After the interview aired, Twitter erupted:

[This post has been updated]



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    Mr. X

    June 4, 2015 at 2:27 am

    Of course, Faux News defends a child molester.

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    June 4, 2015 at 2:32 am

    And a brainwashed victim defend her abuser.

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    June 4, 2015 at 2:35 am

    Exactly, victim!

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    Venus Nelson

    June 4, 2015 at 2:37 am

    Notice how the sister may defend him yet she still thinks of herself as one of his victims.

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    Ronald Hurtado

    June 4, 2015 at 2:42 am

    To know what’s right? Did the sisters come forward or keep it to themselves?

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    Melissa Mccrea

    June 4, 2015 at 4:04 am

    I was told by a psychologist that I wasn’t a victim of molestation because my brother and cousin was “only” three years older than me.

    My brother was 12 and I was 8 1/2. He and our cousin, Nathaniel “Chip” Brown, who was 13, were both stronger than I was and well into their adolescents. I was not very strong as our parents were divorced.

    We three were home alone when my brother and Chip decided to strip off all of my clothes and hold my clothes ransom unless I sucked Chip’s fat, wrinkled 13 year old dick. I did what they wanted. First Chip, then my brother. Afterward they called me names and only gave my clothes back after they heard my Dad pulling into the driveway. They told me the same thing so many girls are told and believe if they tell: 1) they won’t believe that it happened or worse 2) they caused their unwanted assault because of what they wore or how they acted which may include an innocent cartwheel. At no point is the perpetrator subjected to anything close to the responsibility for his actions and all responsibility is laid upon prepubescent girls.

    This world can be sick if it closes its eyes from the truth!

    My brother died a long time ago but Nathaniel “Chip” Brown, a total wreck from Georgia Tech, is still alive and kicking and has unrepentantly refused to acknowledge any harm he did to me. Maybe it’s because he refuses to realize the harm his own sister, Natalie did to him and my brother.

    They were/are a sick dysfunctional family despite their education that was handed to them on a silver platter. Maybe affuenza is real!

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    June 4, 2015 at 2:02 pm

    Came to them THREE (3) times…..WTF!?!?!?

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    katherine norton malek

    June 4, 2015 at 2:26 pm

    Any NORMAL set of parents would be outraged disgusted heartbroken & would become unglued if anyone molested fondled (or whatever euphemism they want to use) their daughters. These are very disturbed ppl evidenced by their ability & desire to downplay & justify a sex crime committed against their young daughters. .Re-victimizing their own children to keep their TLC payola. BTW – Josh is an adult, a father himself. Why didn’t he come out from behind their apron & answer for himself?!

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    June 4, 2015 at 5:03 pm

    Exactly, molestation has NO age limit omg that is the most ignorant thing I have ever heard. Megan Kelly chose a good interview IMO to open the eyes of these fake Christian ppl who “pray away gay” b/c gay to them is a molestor etc. This interview needed to be seen to educate as now transgender is in the mix. I am so beyond sorry what you went through. I hope you are ok in life now and keep pushing on strong b/c u sound like a very strong person to tell your story. Ppl r bashing Fox for having this on, this needed to be put out there as a few of my friends have been victims of molestation growing up. Some not even knowing they were.

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    Mary Petunia

    June 4, 2015 at 5:31 pm

    i would never downplay the seriousness of sexual abuse or any sexual assault. I have been a victim and the violation is heinous. However, the pious attitude of most people on this planet is more of a problem than what Josh Duggar did. He’s being accountable for what he did! He confessed, he got counseling, the victims got counseling…, what more could/should we ask of him? If every single person who sinned, made a poor decision and/or committed a crime were to be removed from society, there wouldn’t be anyone left (not in the white house, not in schools, not in churches, not in the police department, not at your job, not in YOUR house!) We all fail… we all make mistakes, we all sin… For those who would say, “well, they’re hypocrites b/c they preach morality and have none”… You completely miss the point!! The Duggars aren’t perfect (they’d be the first to tell you they aren’t), but they know the differnce between right and wrong, even if their child, ultimately did very wrong. I think they’ve done far more good than bad. If more families operated like the Duggars, society would have 1/2 the problems it does.

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    June 4, 2015 at 6:59 pm

    I hope you all live lives without sin! As parents, they did what they thought was right. That is their RIGHT as the parents of a minor! Just because you don’t agree with something, doesn’t make it wrong. They had the best intentions and love ALL of their children. And who are you to judge? All this is doing, is causing the victims to have to go through this all over again. Absolutely NOTHING positive will come out of posting hateful things about this family. If you care, pray for them. If not, keep your thoughts to yourself because it is none of your business.

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    Sarah Donnelly

    June 4, 2015 at 11:12 pm

    These Duggars should be toast. Hypocrites and liars and for what? To protect their TV $$$$$ instead of their female children. The worst kind of scum. No excuses.

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    Sarah Donnelly

    June 12, 2015 at 9:05 pm

    I may care more about their children and the other victims than they do. It is wrong to allow ongoing victimization of children and pretend it’s no big deal. I have 3 children and can’t imagine what kind of parent would behave the way the Duggars did. Protecting one child at the expense of how many others? Please…

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