Religion in Politics

Evangelical leader Tony Perkins: The religious right is now ‘in the White House’

Speaking at the Values Voter Summit this Saturday, President Trump called the Democrats “crazy” for launching an impeachment inquiry into his presidency, he boasted of his non-withdrawal of US troops from Syria, and he spoke about “religious liberty.” Introducing Trump was Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council, a notoriously anti-LGBT activist group that hosts the event every year.

Perkins’ speech had a somewhat victorious tone. According to him, “personnel makes policy.”

“…and that’s what makes the difference in this administration,” Perkins said. “We’re not on the outside looking in; we’re on the inside working out.”

“We are so grateful for the men and women who are serving in this administration,” he continued, adding, “We have value voters in the White House.”

Watch the video below, via Right Wing Watch:

Featured image via screen grab/CNN


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