Evangelical pastor tapes bible to a baseball bat and smashes Barbie doll house during sermon

A video is circulating from a sermon last month showing Tennessee evangelical pastor Greg Locke attacks a Barbie Dream House with a baseball bat that had a bible taped to it.

As The Wrap points out, Locke’s sermon took place just before the Barbie movie was released.

“We drive demons out all time,” Locke says in the video. “But we’ve not reached a place where we understand: You have to pull down the stronghold that the demon left behind. Because someday, something, when you cast out the spirit of sexual perversion, it’s got to leave.”

“So does the person still struggle with porn because they still have a demon? No. They still struggle with porn because the fortified house is still there and the stronghold has to be pulled down.”

In the clip shared by The Tennessee Holler, Locke can be seen hoisting the bible-adorned bat and smashing the doll house to bits.


Sky Palma

Before launching DeadState back in 2012, Sky Palma has been blogging about politics, social issues and religion for over a decade. He lives in Los Angeles and also enjoys Brazilian jiu jitsu, chess, music and art.