Far-right troll Ethan Schmidt posted a video that has gone viral on social media, showing him walking through a Target store trying to inflict damage on Pride displays.
Schmidt has built a following railing against LGBTQ inclusivity and pandemic mandates. In another video, he confronts two Target store employee, asking her, “Do you guy support the Satanic Pride propaganda?”
The employee, clearly not in the mood for Schmidt’s antics, replied to him sarcastically, “Yeah, both — Satan and Pride.”
“You support Satan?” Schmidt asked. “What’s God gonna think of that?”
“I don’t believe in God,” the employee replies. “Do you need help with something?”
Schmidt continued to pepper the woman with questions, asking her if he supports the sexualization of kids, and she was clearly over it.
“Is there something that we can help you with?”
Another employee then showed up, telling Schmidt to leave if he wants to create a disturbance. As Schmidt leaves, he continued to harass other customers.
Watch the video below:
she is soo biblegirl coded pic.twitter.com/omyiogLkgo
— BIBLEGIRL (@BIBLEGIRL222) February 24, 2023