Florida Republicans explain why they’ll be ditching Trump in 2020: ‘He blew it’

Polls show President Trump beginning to fall behind Joe Biden in the battleground state of Florida. Biden leads Trump in the Sunshine State by 47.4 percent to 42.5 percent according to a Tampa Bay Times analysis of statewide polling data.

A new report from CNN gives some insight into why Trump is struggling in Florida, showing that it’s partly due to him falling out of favor with the state’s senior population. On Thursday, Florida reported a record high for coronavirus cases with 10,000 new infections — a major health crisis that seems to be having an effect on how some voters feel about Trump.

CNN’s Jeff Zaleny spoke to some Florida seniors who say they won’t be voting for Trump in 2020 thanks to his response to the coronavirus.

“Based on my friends, he doesn’t have a chance,” former Trump supporter John Dudley said. “He blew it.”

“He had everything. We were so excited in the beginning — a business man to run our country like a business, and it hasn’t happened,” Dudley continued. “All he succeeded in doing was he juiced up the stock market and now that’s gone to pot because of the coronavirus.”

Watch the full segment below:

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