
Florida school shooting survivor: GOP cares more about gay wedding cakes than dead kids

Speaking with CNN’s Anderson Cooper, a survivor of the shooting at a Florida high school last Wednesday took aim at Republicans and their financial ties to the NRA, saying that despite the many heroes at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, Republicans only seem to be able to offer “thoughts and prayers” in response to the phenomenon of mass shootings.

Cooper began the segment by remarking how he’s “never been to a school after a shooting like this where I’ve met so many students talking about issues of guns when so many politicians are saying now is not the time to talk about the it.”

“Everybody has done an amazing job responding to this: the Stoneman Douglas community, the Parkland community — everyone is supportive and grieving and inspired,” Cameron Kasky replied. “We’re going to use this to try to make something better out of it.”

“Do you think change is possible in terms of the kind of change you want?” Cooper asked.

“Everything I’ve heard where we can’t do anything and it’s out of our hands and it’s inevitable, I think that’s a facade that the GOP is putting up,” Kasky said. “After every shooting the NRA sends a memo saying ‘send your thoughts and prayers.’ This is the only country where this kind of thing happens. I’ve heard from other people, they don’t have gun drills. We had to prepare extensively at Stoneman Douglas. This is something that can be stopped and will be stopped.”

“There is a segment of this society that will shrug this off and send their thoughts and prayers but march for hours over a rainbow wedding cake” he added.

Cooper asked him if he’s worried that the public will once again become apathetic when the media moves on to the next big story.

“That was the thought I had. I’m not worried,” Kasky stated. “This can be stopped — this needs to be stopped.”

“This is the time to talk about guns,” Kasky continued. “But there’s much more that can be done, much more that needs to be done and much more that people like Sen Marco Rubio and Governor Rick Scott are not doing. It’s scary to think these are the people who are making our laws when our community just took 17 bullets to the heart. It feels like the only people who don’t care are the people making the laws.”

Wach the video below:

[RawStory] Featured image via screen grab

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