
Former GOP Senator Agrees With Bob Dole’s Recent Critique of Modern Republicans (VIDEO)

Appearing on MSNBC this Tuesday, former GOP Senator Olympia Snowe said she agrees with former Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole’s criticism of modern Republicans, saying they need to “rethink their approach as a political party.”

“I certainly do agree with the former majority leader, Bob Dole, with whom I worked when I first entered the Senate and who was a consensus builder and understood what was essential and important for the Republican Party and what was important for America,” she said. “And that unfortunately has been lost today on Capitol Hill.”

“Yes, Republicans do bear responsibility and do the Democrats,” Snowe continued. “You have to work together and obviously, the Republican party is undergoing some, you know, significant and serious changes and they are going to have to rethink their approach as a political party and how they are going to regroup and become a governing majority party that appeals to a broader group of Americans than they do today.”

On Fox News Sunday this weekend, Dole, who led Senate Republicans for more than a decade, said the that modern Senate was “bent pretty badly” and said “I doubt it” when asked if he or Reagan could have made it in today’s Republican party.

See an excerpt of Snowe’s interview in the video below.



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