
Former N.C. Governor’s anti-trans crusade has hurt his job prospects

Now that ex-North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory has retired from leading his state’s fight against where trans people want to pee, he’s finding out that some people don’t want to hire a known champion of bigotry.

Now that ex-North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory has retired from leading his state’s fight against where trans people want to pee, he’s finding out that some people don’t want to hire a known champion of bigotry.

In an interview with World Radio, McCrory said the “bathroom laws” he crusaded for “impacted me to this day, even after I left office. People are reluctant to hire me, because ‘oh my gosh, he’s a bigot’ — which is the last thing I am.”

McCrory said the progressive groups that opposed his bill have harmed his reputation.

“If you disagree with the politically correct thought police on this new definition of gender, you’re a bigot, you’re the worst of evil,” he said. “It’s almost as if I broke a law.”

“You ask the doctor if it’s a boy or a girl; you don’t ask the baby,” he said.

In a following interview with The News & Observer, McCrory said that he’s in negotiations with a few companies, and has also sought out university teaching positions, which sometimes proves difficult due to faculty anxiety about potential student protests.

“That’s not the way our American system should operate – having people purged due to political thought,” he said, taking the free speech approach.

Whether some find it palatable or not, McCrory’s stained social outlook is actually what activists want from their work. Governors and lawmakers should look to McCrory as an example of what happens when you push religion-based bigotry in the public sphere, and then try to return to a hunky-dory lifestyle.

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