
Gavin McInnes: Child detention centers ‘look like a fun place to hang’

Gavin McInnes is one of those media figures who’s found a lucrative market for saying despicable things. Like other pundits of his ilk, Trump’s policy of separating children from their families has given McInnes a whole crop of immoral garbage to dish out to his followers, and his comments on his Get Off My Lawn show yesterday were no exception.

McInnes started out his program discussing the outrage over the (now amended) “zero-tolerance” policy enacted by the Trump administration. All across social media and press reports are accounts of screaming and traumatized children sitting terrified in detention centers after being ripped away from parents who tried to illegally cross the U.S.-Mexico border.

“All these kids in cages and stuff that you’re seeing, that’s all about optics. The pictures you’re seeing are from Obama’s administration,” McInnes said, selectively referring to images from 2014 that some mistakenly thought were present-day.

He then showed footage released by the government from inside a center in Brownsville, Texas (which, as Right Wing Watch points out, was selectively edited) and declared that it looked like a fun place for kids to hang out.

“It looks like the Holiday Inn. I would like to stay here,” McInnes said.

“They get three meals a day and two snacks,” he continued. “That’s too much. Isn’t that too much food? I have one meal a day, sometimes two.”

As the footage continued, McInnes commented on how “awesome” the facility looked.

“That’s not a prison,” he said. “That looks like a fun place to hang.”

“Everyone is lying to you about immigration and what these kids go through and the left is being knowingly ignorant. It’s willful ignorance.”

Watch the video below, via Right Wing Watch:

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