During his joint press conference with German Chancellor Angela Merkel this Friday, President Trump was confronted by German reporters regarding some of his most recent fraudulent claims.
One reporter asked Trump to comment on his accusations that former President Obama wiretapped Trump Tower.
“As far as wiretapping, I guess by this past administration, at least we have something in common, perhaps,” Trump said with a smirk.
Another German reporter rose to give a question, this time a little more hard-hitting.
“Why are you so scared of diversity in the news and the media that you speak so often of a ‘fake news’ and that things that in the end cannot be proven, like for the fact that you were wiretapped by Mr. Obama,” the reporter asked.
“Nice, friendly reporter,” Trump said sarcastically before moving on to ignore that part of the question.
“I don’t believe in an isolationist policy,” Trump said, answering a former question about Merkel’s opinion that Trump’s policies are dangerous.
“But I also believe a policy of trade should be a fair policy,” Trump continued. “The United States has been treated very, very unfairly by many countries over the years, and that is going to stop. I am not an isolationist. I’m a free trader, but I am also a fair trader. … But I am not an isolationist by any stretch of the imagination.”
“So I don’t know what newspaper you are reading, but I guess that would be another example of, as you say, fake news,” Trump said.
Watch the exchange below:
German reporter to Trump: “Why are you so scared of diversity in the news?” —via @MSNBC pic.twitter.com/PfNTmG1Dhg
— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) March 17, 2017
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