In a series of tweets this Monday, North Dakota GOP Rep. Brandon Prichard declared that every red state should officially declare its devotion to Jesus Christ.
“Every conservative state should put into code that Jesus Christ is King and dedicate their state to Him. Force RINOs to say no to Jesus and then brutalize them in elections. We need a government of Christians, not fakers,” he wrote.
“Legal marriage has become a joke,” he continued. “If you can marry whoever you want, whenever, and seperate (sic) at any point without boundaries, the union has no meaning or societal benefit. End no-fault divorce, create incentives to get married and remain married, and encourage childbearing.”
“The US Senate and House should have a fitness test every year. Very simple. Every member of Congress must do 5 sit-ups, 5 push-ups, 1 pull up, and submit to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. How many would make it?”